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Meet the Luxembourg Pavilion team in Dubai: Inas El-Menshawy

“Coming together is a beginning; keeping together is progress; working together is success.”

We’re excited to introduce you to the people working at Expo 2020 Dubai. During 6 unforgettable months, they’ll assure that the message of the Luxembourg Pavilion resonates in all its vibrancy.

Today, you’ll meet Inas El-Menshawy, Assistant.

  1. What is your name and what do you do at the Luxembourg Pavilion?

Moien (hello)! I’m Inas El-Menshawy, I work as an assistant at the Luxembourg Pavilion.

  1. What motivated you to work at the Luxembourg Pavilion?

Firstly, working at EXPO 2020, for me, is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. I’m particularly interested in the focus on sustainability, and proud to be a part of the first EXPO to be held in the Middle East and North Africa region.

Secondly, working at the Luxembourg Pavilion has allowed me to greatly expand my knowledge about the country and meet some of its people.

  1. How does a day at the Luxembourg Pavilion look like?

A typical day involves applying for accreditation for our visitors and staff, preparing for tour groups and visiting delegations, and helping around the pavilion as needed.

  1. What is your favorite aspect of working for the Luxembourg Pavilion and for Expo 2020 Dubai?

The people! I spent many years working for a large international organization, so it’s a welcome change to work with a small team. It has been a real eye-opener to see behind the scenes of a global event, and the effort and dedication needed for it to be successful.

I’m often surprised when walking around the EXPO 2020 site. It’s not unusual to see a flash mob or hear a saxophonist playing on a balcony! Al Wasl dome is such a spectacle and I love to see it lit up at night.

  1. What is your favorite part of the Luxembourg Pavilion?

It’s difficult to pick just one part. I admire the architecture and the fact that the pavilion shape symbolizes openness and dynamism (and a circular economy.) I also enjoy the smooth flow of the scenography design. And of course, I must mention the slide! It’s a huge draw for both children and adults. Sitting in the office, we often hear squeals of delight as our guests slide from the top to the base of the pavilion.

  1. What is the most important lesson you have learned during your time working for the Luxembourg Pavilion so far?

It takes a team for operations to run effectively, and each person’s role is important.

  1. Any special events you’re particularly looking forward to?

I’m looking forward to Luxembourg National Day on 23 January 2022.

  1. What can EXPO 2020 DUBAI do for our future?

EXPO 2020 serves as a reminder that great things can be achieved when we collaborate, and that we must strive to focus on our similarities rather than our differences.